New year- a new Self!

New year- a new Self! It is the goal of many of us on every January the first (and on every Monday), to change lifestyle, get rid of all those extra kilos and become both fitter and healthier. Beside the thorough reconsideration of meals, the properly and prudently chosen activity does matter a lot. Riding a bicycle is considered as an aerobic, cyclical activity. This means, during cycling, the same range of motion is rapidly repeated after one another, and motion is dynamic and takes place in the presence of oxygen.

1. Gentle to joints

During running, jogging, joints are exposed to stronger and more severe load, due to constant and continuous shocks.

In the process of cycling, joints will be saved from all those shocks, yet it's a very effective fat-burning exercise.


2. Fat burning!

As the impact of regular cycling, the condition of veins in our body improve a great deal, even our circulation gets better, meaning it could carry way more oxygen, thereby burning more energy. As known, for all burning processes, including burning fat, oxygen is fundamentally demanded, of which is most effective as aerobic sport activity practiced.


3.       Energy and fat burning

All movements, practiced on bicycle needs energy, which can be supplied from fat-depots. However, at least 30 minutes of cycling is needed, before stubborn fat depots are to be accessed. Expressed in real figures-if- not burning out-, however riding with great enthusiasm, at good pace for an hour, you can burn even 5-600 calories, indicating an amount of 60-70 grams of fat. 

So, prudently re-considered bicycle training can yield wonderful results, making our body fitter, increasing our stamina, decreasing our fat volume at the same time.

Due to the fat-burning effects of motion, our muscles will get better tone in visibility, as our joints are exposed to a far gentler load. It is however fundamental to emphasize that all changes in lifestyle, diets, starvation is strictly forbidden, riding bicycle (and any other forms of training) can only be effective, if proper quantity and quality, in fiber and energy rich food is consumed and the human body can have enough rest at the same time.